Thursday 4 June 2009

...and finally

Well yet again it’s been a while. I really have to knuckle down and get into some serious writing of sorts. This is meant to be my daily warm up but I’m lucky if I get to write once a month.

All change tomorrow though! I’ve been making some big life decisions the past couple of months. I need to change a lot of stuff if I am to be anywhere near happy.
I want to be single again. So I will as soon as it is reasonable to do so. To go into the whys and why nots of not doing it immediately would be indiscreet. After all, you never know exactly who is reading.

I want to start ‘work’ again. We/I need money. This is the only way I know how to get us/me out of the total financial shit we are/I am in right now. In the short term that is.
Long term, I need to write. I must get cracking on the book. It’s all in my head and the first chapter is written down, I just need to find the motivation and determination to do it.

I need to get off my fat arse and get fit again. This is the last time I may have at having a decent body before the rot really sets in. I’m 43 now; if I leave it then I’ll be too old and wrinkly to look good. Healthy yes, but desirable? Hot? Hmm, I don’t want to be some young mans fantasy Granny Fanny thank you very much. I’m ok now, but need to firm up and get a tan!

Anyway, on to the blog.
I’ve not worked on the phones a lot lately. This last week I’ve had a cold, (don’t worry, I haven’t been oinking or had the urge to wallow in pools of mud) and before that I have been busy with a couple of other jobs I do. It’s hard to write about other stuff as I worry about revealing too much, so all I can say is I shall attempt to write more often about my work as a Phone Sex Operator or anything remotely connected to it. Or anything else. At all. Just because I feel like it.

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